Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Restoration Foundation  Center is an innovative, community-driven project that will serve as an agricultural/ horticulture learning center for youth and teens. It is accessible by the whole community 24/ 7! The Restoration Foundation . will include a farmstead for physical activity, interpretive education and cultivated farm plots used to demonstrate sustainability and organic farming practices. Restoration Foundation. will educate both young men and women about where our food comes from and how locally grown food plays a crucial role in a sustainable lifestyle.
We will assist crime victims and offenders, provide job training, job searching with limited transportation. Help the homeless, Have fitness/ nutrition specialist, play area and athletics/ sports, act as advocates for children and youth and offer programs to help youth/ teens mature into adults who contribute POSITIVELY to society.
 How will RESTORATION FOUNDATION fix or access this issue?
First. accessibility as well as accountability, holding young people/ teens accountable
having personnel in place to do so. This means parents, guardians and teachers which means we will have a connection with schools, juvenile detention centers and parents on a constant basis, one on ones and conferences to access student/ teen needs as well as private issues.  Hospital/ clinic and jail tours, biblical studies and rules.
When you talk about rules and regulations you must speak on consequences.
 One thing we know for sure is, when you offer young people the their passion the thing they have passion for and add love,  that`s how you gain respect and trust.  We will keep the doors open because problems happen at night during late hours as well as daytime and school hours. no child should be left out  we stroke egos and pat backs, believe in third and fourth chances such as God has giving us. Recognizing gifts which define the young person and bring it to the surface. Even a young person with evil/ bad intentions will change, when they are offered their dreams 100% of the time no child is born with poverty level mentality.  Freedom, growth and prosperity is the right. of every child. Charity begins at home...
What we do is very unique, we simply give young people something positive to do with their time. We promote proper dress-code and pro abstinence. We strongly believe that we can and will change young people who are "at risk" we pride ourselves on accountability and twenty-four hour access. Most young people just want to be singers/ performers. We examine and teach the music business as a whole. Operating music studio equipment, sound checking, production, learning an instrument lighting etc. more levels to learn leading to more opportunity.  Sports, also teaching refereeing, coaching etc.
There are Correctional Officers, Courthouses,  Judges, Cops, Probation Officers, Jails, Child Detention Workers and facilities, bondsmen, lawyers, mental health counselors, day care centers and this list goes on and on. While  our family structure pulls apart, our children are going down the drain, boys are seeking a father and falling into the hands of pedophiles, our daughters run off with the first man who will smile at her, all these are direct results of absent  fathers. So we say lets bring up the next generation of men to be just that, Men. Today we have decided to reach out.  Where do we draw the line? Restoration Foundation Inc. is a faith-based nonprofit organization 501(c)3 tax exempt.
Television, social media, computer games and the streets have taken the place of parents.   
   Lets change the negative ideas our kids have about sexuality, drugs, welfare and work ethic. Its about changing that vicious cycle with positive alternatives, We need your help, prevention
 Will you join our "PULL YOUR PANTS UP CAMPAIGN" and bring back morality, dress code, respect. It starts with occupying time. Please make a "TAX DEDUCTIBLE" Donation today! Get more info @  Thank you. Benjamin